Mental Health Journeying Through Design

Mental illness impacts a significant portion of the population, with 1 in 5 Canadians experiencing mental health challenges annually. Despite this, 22% of Canadians’ mental health needs go partially unmet, and 21% are fully unmet, with access to care being hindered by long wait times, a shortage of professionals, and lack of integration between services. Many people face barriers such as stigma, inequities, and a lack of awareness about available resources, all of which exacerbate the challenge of accessing mental health support.



The task was to reimagine the delivery of mental health services, with a focus on integrating mental health support into primary care. The goal was to propose a model that not only addresses the unmet needs of individuals but also promotes positive mental health by considering the interconnectedness of social, psychological, and emotional wellbeing. The solution needed to fit the multicultural diversity of Toronto, ensuring that services are accessible and inclusive.


Through a study, I explored the challenges within the current mental health system, identifying barriers such as fragmented care, stigmatization, and a focus primarily on psychological wellbeing, often at the expense of social and emotional support. I conducted qualitative research, including interviews, journey mapping, and system mapping, to gather insights from individuals with lived experiences. Based on this research, I proposed a service model for a community-based, integrated mental health wellness center that operates within primary care. This model includes a multidisciplinary team of professionals, such as psychotherapists, counselors, social workers, and psychiatrists, who provide services ranging from assessments to therapy, group support, outreach, and crisis intervention.


The proposed service model aimed to bridge gaps in mental health care by offering integrated services within primary care, reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, and normalizing it as an essential part of overall health. The model also emphasized community-driven initiatives to promote mental health knowledge and prevention. The proposal was well-received, offering a comprehensive approach to mental health that prioritizes accessibility, inclusivity, and holistic care.


OCADU Design for Health


Design Research, Healthcare, Mental Health


Lead Researcher and Designer

Project Duration

8 months

Discovering through research and relationship mapping

Diving into experience through journey mapping

Analysis and evaluation of journey and gather insights